FISH (Grades 1-5)

FISH (Grades 1-5)

What is FISH?

FISH stands for...

Faith Initiative Starts at Home

This is the name of our Children’s Faith Formation Program here at Corpus Christi. Through forming a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, elementary school-age children build a strong foundation for lifelong discipleship.

As children mature, ongoing catechesis is needed to help them observe, explore, interpret, and judge their experiences; ascribe Christian meaning to their lives; and act according to the norms of faith and love. The truths of our faith should be presented at every age with age-appropriate methodology to allow for an ever-deepening understanding and growth in lived faith.

Experiential learning in the Christian way of life includes participation in the life of the entire faith community as an important part of children’s faith formation; households, parishes, schools, and the faith community all have essential roles in the catechesis of the young.

Through our FISH program we partner with parents and families in our Children’s Faith Formation. Classes are offered on campus on Wednesdays at Corpus Christi at 4:30 – 5:45 pm. A Home Study option is also available for grades 1-5.

Register below.
For more information on FISH, please contact our Business & Facility manager, susan hays at 949.389.9295

The Four ‘Golden Threads’ 

In the “Word of Life” series, the curriculum is organized by four “golden threads,” or pillars, that not only provide faithful teaching but explain why the faith is relevant in modern culture. 

The four threads include “Salvation History,” “Christian Anthropology,” “Heroic Virtue and Character Formation” and “Learning Through Discipleship.” 

In “Salvation History,” students, parents and teachers are rooted in the narrative of sacred Scripture and learn about how God made himself present in history, became incarnate in Jesus Christ and revealed our identity.

In “Christian Anthropology,” questions on gender, identity and personhood are answered with Christian human anthropology, revealing that we were made in the image and likeness of God. 

In “Heroic Virtue and Character Formation,” “Word of Life” aims to teach young people how to live in a virtuous, heroic way.  Saints are recognized by their heroic lives and that the virtues we receive to live heroically are a gift from God. 

Finally, in “Learning Through Discipleship,” the curriculum is formed to reinforce the idea that our faith is not just lived out on Sundays. Rather, our whole life depends on our faith and living as a disciple of God. 

“Catechesis has to investigate new possibilities offered by the existence of the new technologies and imagine whole new models and systems if the Gospel message is to penetrate the culture, make sense to the next generation of Catholics, and bring about a response of faith.”

– National Directory for Catechesis, Section 4.C.

The fee for FISH 2024-2025 is $150 for students who have completed 1st Communion.

The fee for
Sacrament Prep is $175. (2-year program; children must be re-enrolled each year.)

You will also be directed to the
Online Giving page at the end of the registration form.

You may also pay by check payable to ‘Corpus Christi’ with “FISH” in the memo line, or cash. You may bring your payments in to the Parish Office during office hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm). If you need to set up a payment plan, you may do so by contacting Susie Hays at 949.389.9295.

Register for FISH

Children’s Faith Formation NEEDS VOLUNTEERS!

We need volunteer teachers and aides for our children. Youth aides are also welcome!

Adult Teachers and Aides must:

>Be registered members of Corpus Christi
>Be confirmed and actively practicing Catholics
>Enjoy working with children
>Be fingerprinted and safe-environment cleared through the Diocese of Orange in California

For any questions you may have about our F.I.S.H. program, please contact our Business & Facility Manager, Susan Hays at

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