Corpus Christi is thrilled to announce that we’ll be partnering with Hallow, the #1 prayer app, for the next 3 years!
Through prayer and meditation rooted in the Catholic faith, Hallow helps people grow closer to God and find peace. Users are able to pray alongside Fr. Mike, Sr. Miriam, Mark Wahlberg, Jonathan Roumie, + many more. The app also offers mental health and sleep content, audiobooks, and sacred music.
There are 2 versions of Hallow--free and premium. All parishioners are invited to be a part of Corpus Christi's community page in the app. There, you’ll be able to create a profile, share prayer requests, and take part in prayer challenges with your faith family.
To join, visit, search for Corpus Christi by typing in our zip code, 92656, and follow the prompts. If you’re brand new to Hallow, you’ll be given a special premium trial at the price of $1 for an entire year! If you’d like to forgo that trial and remain on the free version, simply hit “Skip” and you’ll still have access to our parish page.
If you have any trouble accessing the $1 subscription or setting up your Hallow account, view the video below or read the $1 Hallow Subscription Instructions, stop by the Hallow table after Mass on
March 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, or reach out to our Parish Life Director,
Alyssa Eugenio at 949.389.9008, Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm.
For Lent 2025, we will be participating in the Lent Pray40 Challenge as a parish. Each day, we will all be invited to listen to the same readings and reflections. Try sharing your own personal reflections with your faith family, as well as your own prayer needs,
all in the Hallow app, so that we can pray together and for one another this Lent!
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656 PH: 949.389.9008
Office hours: Monday-THURSDAY, 9am-4pm
Friday, 9AM-2PM
All Rights Reserved Corpus Christi Catholic Church