Right to Life

Right to Life

Corpus Christi does not have an official Right to Life Ministry. For now, parishioners who are interested in Right to Life concerns participate in events organized by our neighboring parishes.

We envision a highly collaborative Right to Life Ministry for Corpus Christi. This means belonging to the network of Right to Life ministries at our neighboring parishes, many of which already work together to staff prayer vigil times at the location in Mission Viejo. Working in cooperation with each other ensures that we are all working on the same projects and towards the same goals, and that no single parish has to shoulder the burden alone. Right to Life is a concern for all Catholics.

If you are passionate about Right to Life and feel called to be Corpus Christi's Right to Life Ministry Head, or if you would like to be added to an emailing list to receive Right to Life event information, please complete the Ministry Interest Form.

Right to Life Ministry Interest Form

Right to Life Ministry Interest Form

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