No matter how long you’ve been away and no matter the reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church. Perhaps now can be a time of resurrected hope on your faith journey.
We are waiting to listen to your story and answer your questions. Please give us a call or email and let’s begin the journey of welcoming you home…
Contact Alyssa Eugenio, our Parish Life Director.
Sometimes, all someone needs is a welcoming face and a willing ear. This is especially true for our brothers and sisters in Christ who have left the Catholic faith. Do you feel called to be that welcoming presence ready to bring them back into the fold of our Catholic family?
Please contact Alyssa Eugenio
This ministry is currently in need of a ministry head.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656 PH: 949.389.9008
Office hours: Monday-THURSDAY, 9am-4pm
Friday, 9AM-2PM
All Rights Reserved Corpus Christi Catholic Church